2024~2025 Yale 耶鲁大学保险替换攻略,最高立省$1000+

耶鲁大学保险替换攻略 compressed

本文将为同学们展示全面、完整的2024~2025 Yale 耶鲁大学保险(春季)替换攻略。

附上 GoGloblalSafe 全新 2024-2025 Yale Elite 计划,


仅需10分钟,和我们一起Waive ,立省一份苹果全家桶!


1. Yale 耶鲁大学 2024-2025 保险替换(春季)截止日期

2. 什么是保险替换 Waive?
3. 为什么Yale 耶鲁大学的同学选择 GGS 进行 保险替换 Waive?

4. 如何完成Yale 耶鲁大学保险替换?
5. 常见问题举例

1. Yale 耶鲁大学 2024 - 2025 保险替换截止日期



2. 什么是保险替换 Waive?

● 美国学校大都强制要求学生集体购买校内的医疗保险,且学校医保价格大幅上涨。但很多学校(Yale 开放新的Waive通道)允许学生购买符合学校规定的校外保险,学生可以用其替换校内保险,这个操作称为保险替换(Waive)
● 替换成功之后,就可以免掉学费中关于健康保险这一项的费用啦

● 如果已经在缴纳学费的时候交过保险费也没有关系喔,豁免成功后,学校会退回到你的学生账户中。

3. 为什么Yale 耶鲁大学的同学选择 GGS 进行 保险替换 Waive?

● “零自付额”Plus计划

三款计划均符合 Yale waive要求,100%替换成功,其中Plus计划也是目前极少数可以覆盖100%的健康保险计划。

● 性价比更高的保险价格


● 更广的医疗网络





25春季【校内计划对比图】——tier2 05 scaled compressed

4. 如何完成 Yale 耶鲁大学 保险替换?

第一步:立即选择一款 Elite 计划



${{product.monthly_price }} {{ per_month }}
{{ AnnualMaxiumnText }}
{{ maximum_limit_per_illness }}
{{product.coinsurance_of * 100}}%
{{ co_payment_shc }} — {{product.co_payment_shc}}
{{ deductible_per_illness_or_injury }} —{{product.deductible_per_illness ? product.deductible_per_illness : ''}}
{{ deductible_in_student_health_center }} — {{product.deductible_in_student_health_center}}
{{ out_of_pocket_maximum_in_network }} — {{ product.out_of_pocket_maximum_in_network ? product.out_of_pocket_maximum_in_network : '' }}
{{Prescription}} — {{product.prescription}}
{{Pre_existing_watiting_period}} — {{product.pre_existing_watiting_period}}
{{preventive_care_in_shc}} — {{product.preventive_care_in_shc*100}}% {{preventive_care_in_shc}} — {{product.preventive_care_in_shc}}
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{{matemity}} —— {{ product.matemity ? product.matemity : ' ' }}
{{intercollegiate_sports_coverage}} —— {{ product.intercollegiate_sports_coverage ? product.intercollegiate_sports_coverage : ' ' }}
{{emergency_medical_evacuation}} — {{product.emergency_medical_evacuation}} {{emergency_medical_evacuation}} — {{product.emergency_medical_evacuation}}
{{accidental_death}} —— {{ product.accidental_death ? product.accidental_death : '' }}
{{ repatriation_of_mortal_remains }} — {{ product.repatriation_of_mortal_remains }}
{{coverage}} — {{ product.coverage ? product.coverage : '' }}
{{network}} — {{ product.network }} {{ product.network }} {{ product.network || '' }}

*{{ hint }}

第二步:向学校提交 waiver

1.购买完成后,电子邮件会立即自动收到保单Certificate、保单Policy and terms、Member guide指南等各项资料。


2. 前往学校替换官网

① 点击访问学校官网
② 输入学生ID和密码进行登录
1.1 16

3. 根据指引填写信息


yale compressed

4. 确认信息提交后等待学校waive成功邮件即可


Elite 450是最具性价比的一款计划,自付额是$450(校内SHC就诊自付额为$0),网络内的赔付比例是80%,对于新生和不太了解美国医疗体系的同学来说,可以选择Elite 450这一款高端的保险计划,省钱的同时用着也安心。
Elite Plus是三款计划中福利最好的,报销比例高达100%,比较适合想要全面保障的同学。

Deductible 免赔额: 

Copayment 共付额:


Co-insurance (in-network) 共付比例:

在线设置账户非常快捷方便。只需访问 Teladoc® 网站,点击“设置账户”,然后按照详细说明操作即可。


涵盖以下免疫接种和疫苗:白喉、甲型肝炎、乙型肝炎、带状疱疹、人乳头瘤病毒 (HPV)、流感(流感疫苗)、麻疹、脑膜炎球菌、腮腺炎、百日咳、肺炎球菌、风疹、破伤风、水痘、COVID-19 以及教育机构要求的任何其他免疫接种。
所有学生计划均使用UHC PPO网络,您可以轻松找到附近的医生。单击此处进行搜索。
另外,请检查一下来自 UHC 的会员欢迎指南的更多福利信息。
Read More
John Doe
John Doe
Fantastic Customer Service
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I had a question about my coverage and reached out to the customer service team at GoGlobalSafe. They were incredibly helpful and responsive, and I was able to get my question answered quickly and easily. It's clear that GoGlobalSafe truly cares about their customers and their well-being.
Benjamin Lee
Benjamin Lee
Affordable and Reliable Coverage
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I did a lot of research before choosing an insurance provider for my study abroad experience, and I'm so glad I chose GoGlobalSafe. The coverage provided was not only affordable, but also reliable and comprehensive. I never had to worry about being underinsured or not having the coverage I needed.
Sofia Rodriguez
Sofia Rodriguez
Highly Recommend!
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Overall, my experience with GoGlobalSafe was excellent. From the ease of enrollment to the quality of coverage, everything was top-notch. I would highly recommend GoGlobalSafe to any international student looking for reliable, affordable, and comprehensive insurance coverage.
William Chen
William Chen
Peace of Mind
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Studying abroad can be a stressful experience, but thanks to GoGlobalSafe, I was able to enjoy my time overseas without worrying about my health or safety. Knowing that I was covered in case of an emergency gave me the peace of mind I needed to focus on my studies and enjoy my time abroad.
Olivia Davis
Olivia Davis
GoGlobalSafe: The Best International Student Insurance!
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I couldn't be happier with my experience with GoGlobalSafe. The process of enrolling was smooth and easy, and the coverage provided was comprehensive and affordable. I felt safe and secure throughout my entire study abroad experience, and I would definitely recommend GoGlobalSafe to any international student!
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